So on my Instagram, I said I was going to be taking a break from posting. I have a deadline coming up with school, and I was trying to keep my focus solely on doing school. I didn’t want the distraction of feeling like I had to post something keep me from working on school.
Well, that deadline is closing in. What sucks is that I feel as if I keep repeating the same cycle, and I just want the cycle to end. I just want to be done with school and move on with my life.
So at the moment, it feels like every force of nature is against me. Am I just supposed to keep going through this? Is there even a point to it?
Sometimes we feel as if the cards are stacked up against us. Like no matter how hard we try, no matter how much work we put into something, it’s just not enough. That even if we put our 100% into something, it’s not going to happen.
When it feels as if the universe is plotting against us, what do we do to stay grounded? How do we keep going? What motivates us to try again, and to pick the pieces up after we shatter from our failed attempts?
Well, at this exact moment, I’m not exactly sure. It can feel like a waste of energy to try again. But, when the going gets rough, there are always a few things to keep in mind.
Sometimes, it can feel like our problems are never going to end. The cycle continues, the storms don’t end, or we feel stuck in this moment. But what we tend to forget is that life keeps going. The cycle of life continues, the storm will end, and we will find a way to move on with it. Even if we can’t see the end in sight, knowing that one day the struggle will be over with can help us keep going.
When stress and anxiety overwhelm you, look for the small things that make you smile. Life is pretty awesome, and there is so much beauty left in it. The dew of wet grass on my feet, when I see a cute dog, listening to Taylor Swift, finding a new SNL skit I love, ladybugs, and I could keep going with my list of things that make me smile. Find those little things that make you smile, and keep them close to you when you feel like giving up.
Fresh air can do wonders for your mind. Go for a walk, find a quiet spot to sit and read, or just get out of the house. Coffee shops are a great place to go when you need a break (just be willing to share a table if you are staying for a while). Find a way to get out, however it may take shape. One of my favorite things is driving with the windows down and listening to my favorite music. I don’t think people fully comprehend the effect of driving with the windows down.
So if your anything like me, the future can be overwhelming. With me, it’s this whole school thing. It’s not that I’m worried about it affecting my goals, it’s more about my time and energy. Those are very valuable things, and I would rather use it for other endeavors. So, why can’t I start planning for those endeavors now? Why can’t I start working on my goals and ambitions now? Whatever you feel is holding you back, pretend for a minute that those burdens are a thing of the past. So now what? Once you take the stress out of the picture, you can think about those big dreams and start reaching for the stars.
It’s said that we don’t breathe enough. And it’s true. Just three deep breaths can calm you down. It also releases the tension in your body. I’ve also found that taking a few minutes to stretch can be helpful. Breathe in, breathe out, and know it’ll be okay.
Or something you think you’re good at. It’s actually been said that if you take a few minutes to do something you are good at, it can help fuel your motivation for a task that may seem a bit daunting. And taking time to do the things you actually enjoy, it can make the work more worthwhile. Take a break to sing, dance, make a snack, write a poem, or whatever else makes you feel happy. Do more of what sets your soul on fire.
I hope that whatever challenge you might be facing at the moment passes. I hope you are able to win those wars, and fight your battles. And even if you fall at times, remember to get back up and try even harder next time.
And as I start this week and face my fears of the future and the stress of school, I am going to keep these reminders close, and remember all of the reasons I love my life.
What helps you to keep going when you feel like giving up? Let me know in the comments!
Until next time 🙂
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